Disclaimer and Rational

The Bluegrass Help at Home Registry is provided as a courtesy of the Bluegrass Area Development District, the Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living, and other associated partners. Inclusion in the Bluegrass Help at Home Registry should in no way be construed to constitute an endorsement of an individual service worker or their services, nor should exclusion be construed to constitute disapproval. Inclusion in the Registry does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the Bluegrass Area Development District, the Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living, nor by any other associated partners regarding the services or the service worker.

The service worker listed provided the information that appears in this Registry. The service workers themselves are solely responsible for the content of their listing. Service workers are also responsible for updating their information and removing their listing when they no longer are seeking employment.


The Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living and its associated partners reserve the right to change, add, edit, or delete information supplied by service workers to meet format, guideline, or space criteria. The Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living and its associated partners also reserve the right to limit or discontinue listings, including those of service workers who do not respond to requests for updated information, or receive repeated complaints.